Porn Library - Pornography Research Directory

This directory aims to provide a leaping-off point for those researching pornography.

I've provided bibliographies with links to books at Amazon and other websites.

I've divided the research directory into a number of areas:

This site will be updated as more information becomes available.

Book Review
Pornography: Men Possessing Women

Please note: this site has been complied by someone who works in the adult industry as a webmistress. I used to be a librarian. :) My political stance is one of pro-porn feminist, and this may be apparent throughout the site. However, I've done my best to represent all sides of the debate in this directory.

If you are looking for actual pornography, click here for an extensive site listing and galleries.

Useful websites

Excellent summary article
What Sexual Scientists Know About Pornography
From the Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality

An up-to-date look at porn
from the PBS current affairs show Frontline:

Men’s Bibliography: Pornography
Huge number of sources






Pornography Bibliography
Pornography - Men Possessing Women 
by Andrea Dworkin
The first salvo in the feminist anti-porn crusade.
Read my review here. 
Read the book synopsis here.

Pornocopia : Porn, Sex, Technology and Desire
by Lawrence O'Toole
Considers new technology, and the role and interest of porn viewers. Interviews porn activists and porn workers.

Porn : Myths for the Twentieth Century
by Robert J. Stoller
Interviews with those who work in the porn industry.

Watching Sex: How Men Really Respond to Pornography
by David Loftus
A new book with up to date statistics on this topic.

Porn 101 : Eroticism Pornography and the First Amendment
by James Elias (Editor), Veronica Diehl Elias (Editor), Vern L. Bullough (Editor), Will Jarvis (Editor)
An academic discussion of porn's role in human society

Sex for Sale : Prostitution, Pornography, and the Sex Industry
by Ronald Weitzer (Editor)
A look at sex workers, including those who perform in porn.

Problem of Pornography
by Susan Dwyer
A textbook that looks at all aspects of pornography and the debate around it.

Bound and Gagged : Pornography and the Politics of Fantasy in America
by Laura Kipnis
A look at porn from a class warfare perspective.

Pornography in a Free Society (An Earl Warren Legal Institute Study)
by Gordon Hawkins, Franklin E. Zimring (Contributor)
An overall look at porn from a neutral perspective, with a study of Western Society's view of porn.

Pornography in America : A Reference Handbook (Contemporary World Issues)
by Joseph W. Slade
Another broad look at the issue of porn.

Immodest Proposals : Through the Pornographic Looking Glass
by Tom Slattery
Explores the place of porn in civilization, through history and current debate.

New Members and Organs : The Politics of Porn
by Helena Goscilo

Porn Wars : The Battle over Pornography in England and America
by Cecil Greek, William Thompson

The Reader, the Author, His Woman, and Her Lover : Soft-Core Pornography and Heterosexual Men
by Simon Hardy

Pornography and Difference
by Berkeley Kaite

Feminism and Porn  |  Censorship  |  History of Porn  |  Porn and the Internet  |  Porn Addiction

If you're looking for porn, it's over here