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Pornography and Feminism

For years feminism has squared off against pornography. Its a topic that sits uneasily with many pro civil rights feminists. The fundamental tension exists between the right to free speech and a desire to remove porn because it is considered to be sexist.

 Most people have heard the feminist arguments against porn. To summarise, anti-porn feminists contend that:
* Porn is a form of violence against women
* The porn industry exploits the women who work in it
* Porn is degrading to women in its depictions
* Porn encourages men to treat women badly.

Perhaps the most famous of the anti-porn feminists are Andrea Dworkin and Catharine McKinnon. Both women have aligned themselves with the religious right in the US in their attempts to ban porn. Dworking is particularly extreme in her views, and also contends that all heterosexual contact is some form of violence.

Recently, other feminists have come out in favour of pornography. They argue that the female workers within the porn industry are highly paid and in charge of their own destinies. They point out that these women have exercised their choice - a right that feminists have long fought for. Pro-porn feminists also argue that censoring pornography is an attack on free speech.

In the last few years, more and more feminists have come out in support of porn, suggesting that it is a means to sexual liberation for some women. The growth of erotica for women seems to back up this point of view.

Sites of Interest

NADINE STROSSEN : The Pornography Industry's Wet Dream
Diana Russell’s attack on Nadine Strossen and Defending Pornography

A comprehensive listing of feminist arguments in favour of porn

A Bibliography Relating to Sexuality, Feminism, and Free Speech
Created and continuously maintained by Marit Synnevåg


Bibliography - Pro-porn Feminists

Annie Sprinkle : Post-Porn Modernist
by Annie Sprinkle

Gynomite: Fearless, Feminist Porn
by Liz Belile (Editor)

Defending Pornography : Free Speech, Sex, and the Fight for Women's Rights
by Nadine Strossen

Tales from the Clit : A Female Experience of Pornography
by Cherie Matrix (Editor), Feminists Against Censorship (Compiler), Cherie Martix

Debating Sexual Correctness : Pornography, Sexual Harassment, Date Rape, and the Politics of Sexual Equality
by Adele M. Stan (Editor)

Pornography, Sex, and Feminism
by Alan Soble

Anti-Porn Feminist Bibliography

In Harm's Way : The Pornography Civil Rights Hearings
by Catharine A. MacKinnon (Editor), Andrea Dworkin (Editor)
The report from the conservative Meese commission into pornography.

Pornography : Women, Violence, and Civil Liberties : A Radical New View
by Catherine Itzin (Editor)

Dangerous Relationships : Pornography, Misogyny, and Rape
by Diana E. Russell

Making Violence Sexy : Feminist Views on Pornography (Athene)
by Diana E.H. Russell (Editor)


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