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Internet Porn

The internet has caused an explosion of readily available pornography. This has sent many into a moral panic.

At the forefront are concerns that internet porn is readily available to children. This invites examination of the reasons why we keep sexually explicit material away from children and teenagers. The need to filter internet material at home, in schools and in libraries is a major issue, as is the responsibility of parents to monitor their children.

Also of concern is the way the internet cannot be easily regulated due to the fact that it is an international entity. It's lack of national borders effectively renders local laws obsolete. This has many governments worried.

Then there are those who see pornography as a social evil, and its growth via the internet is seen as a descent into sin. The campaign about "porn addiction" is part of this.

Porn and the Internet Books

My Year in Smut: The Internet Escapades Inside Danni's Hard Drive
by Taylor Marsh
My Year in Smut is a lively and insightful romp through the outrageous and lucrative world of sex and the Internet

The Dark Side of the Internet
by Gerald M. Gresko
Talks of the "evil and deception found on the internet" - porn, chatrooms, etc.

Internet and the First Amendment : Schools and Sexually Explicit Expressions
by Fred H. Cate
Examines legal issues of children's access to the internet.

Feminism and Porn  |  Censorship  |  History of Porn  |  Porn and the Internet  |  Porn Addiction

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